Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd.
Customer Care: 09617333111
Helpline: 09613777779
IDRA Hotline Number: 16130

Group Term Assurance plan

Features of the plan
01 Type of Plan It is a group term Insurance
02 Minimum Number of group 15 (fifteen) persons
03 Age of the assured at commencement of policy Minimum - 18 years and Maximum - 50 years
04 Maximum age at marurity 65 (sixty five) years
05 Mode of payment Quarterly, half yearly and yearly
06 Period of contract 1 – 3 years. Renewable at the completion of initial contract
07 Minimum Sum Assured Taka 50,000
Benefit of Plan
01 At death during contract period of group insurance, the nominee of the member will get full sum assured of his individual limit fixed in group contract.
02 Nothing is paid at maturity.
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